Der Umschlag nach einem Entwurf von Lissitzky
163 S., mit 260 Illustrationen.
Maße: 29 x 22,5 cm. Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen. Illustrierte Originalbroschur. Erste und einzige Ausgabe. - Zweiter Band der Reihe: Neues Bauen in der Welt des Wiener Schroll Verlages. Reich illustrierte Abhandlung über die Architektur der Moderne in den USA. Der österreichische Architekt Richard Neutra wurde vor allem durch seine Bauten in Kalifornien bekannt und gilt als Kenner der amerikanischen Architekturgeschichte. –Minimal fleckig, gutes Exemplar.
Aus der Bibliothek des Bauhäuslers Hubert Hoffmann, von ihm gestempelt Nr. 71
Schätzpreis € 700 / (Rufpreis € 300) / D
(Der angebotene Artikel ist differenzbesteuert, daher kommen zum Höchstgebot nur 23% Aufgeld dazu.)
One of the most important immigrans from Europe was Richard J. Neutra (1892- 1970), who became an American citizen in 1932. A native of Vienna, Neutra settle in California and helped to secure the acceptance of European functionalism i the 1920s. He was already familiar with Frank Lloyd Wright's work before he le for America in 1923, where he first worked in the studio of Holabird & Roc e in Chicago. He visited Louis Sullivan before his death and was present at Sullivan's funeral in 1924, where he met Wright for the first time, a man who was to ert a considerable influence an him. Neutra's earliest books were devoted to describing his American experiences for the benefit of European readers. "Wie baut Amerika?" (1927), for example, gives an account of the construction of the Palmer House in Chicago, in which he had himself been involved during his time with Holabird & Roche, while his second book, "Amerika. Die Stilbildung des neuen Bauens in den Vereinigten Staaten" (1930), was written during the time when, in cooperation with Schindler, he was building the Lovell House in Los Angeles, the project which made him famous overnight. In this book he promoted Schindler's work and the Californian architecture of Irving Gill, which was almost unknown in Europe at the time. These works of Neutra made a great impact an Europe - even an Japan - and did more to promte an understanding of American architecture.